Automated Health Screening: Temperature Checks + COVID-19 Questions

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Studies show that health screening, including temperature checks and epidemiological surveys, can increase illness identification when compared to screening for only one symptom. While most standard COVID-19 questionnaires are not equivalent to full epidemiological surveys, they represent an efficient way to gather crucial information about an individual’s history of symptoms and contacts.

Given this evidence pointing to the effectiveness of these screeners, Wello’s solution allows business owners, facility managers, and safety leaders the option to require a COVID-19 survey before entering a facility from their personal mobile device or on the welloStationX screen.

Either way, these are both “active” questionnaires, meaning the employee or visitor actively answers these questions instead of simply acknowledging them or “self screening.”

What are the Common Health Screening Questions During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

By default, Wello’s health questionnaires follow the recommendation of various experts, including the CDC recommendations and their own facility screenings. Default questions include:

  1. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours:
    »fever or chills
    »shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    »muscle or body aches
    »new loss of taste or smell
    »sore throat
    »congestion or runny nose
    »nausea or vomiting
  2. Within the past 14 days, have you been in close physical contact (6 feet or closer for a cumulative total of 15 minutes) with:
    1. Anyone who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19?
    2. OR Anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
  3. Are you isolating or quarantining because you may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or are worried that you may be sick with COVID-19?
  4. Are you currently waiting on the results of a COVID-19 test?

Custom screening questions are also available for companies and facilities with unique needs. Contact us for more details.

Two Options for COVID-19 Questionnaires

Wello offers two options for delivery of symptom questionnaires: touchless and on-screen

Option 1: Touchless health screening questionnaire – Complete the symptom screener without touching a shared device 

  1. Individual visits the Wello website or custom website on a mobile phone (Note: The employee or visitor is NOT required to download a new application)
  2. Employee or visitor completes the questionnaire
  3. Upon successful completion, the individual receives a QR code
  4. The individual scans the QR code at the station, which tells Wello the questionnaire has been completed
  5. The individual can now scan their temperature and receive a badge

Option 2: On-screen health screening questionnaire – Complete the symptom screener on the welloStationX, without a smartphone

  1. An employee or visitor visits a Welloprotected facility and approaches the welloStationX
  2. Employee or visitor completes the questionnaire
  3. Upon successful completion, the individual can now scan their temperature and receive a badge

Wello’s screens are compatible with clean keys or styluses. Some customers even use Q-tips.


The Most Common Symptom: Elevated Temperature

In addition to a symptom survey, Wello also offers the only FDA-cleared, clinically tested, automated clinical electronic thermometer station on the market. Given its status as a Class II medical device and proven accuracy, it does not require an additional staff member or resource to “verify” readings (high or low)–keeping valuable team members out of harm’s way. The entire health screening process can be completed with minimal resources, without trading off on effectiveness.

Learn more about temperature logging with Wello

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