Give employees the protection they deserve

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The only automated, FDA-cleared no-touch clinical thermometer

Rest easy knowing you’ve done your part to keep facilities safe for employees and visitors. Wello’s rapid, non-intrusive facial scan catches even subtle temperature elevations that could indicate infection.

  • A touchless temperature screening kiosk identifies potential infections
  • Alerts are sent when someone scans above the temperature threshold
  • Employees and visitors enter the building wearing a Wello badge

Help prevent outbreaks

Automated, touchless temperature checks may help reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 infections and other contagious diseases.

Avoid shutdowns

Lower operational risk with highly accurate temperature screening kiosks that scan hundreds of employees per shift.

Improve employee health and trust

Embrace a new standard of health and safety even after the current pandemic while maintaining employee privacy. By making contagious illness prevention a key piece of overall employee health and safety programs, companies show employees that their health and wellness are a priority. This can lead directly to employees having more trust in their employers, which can boost morale and retention rates. 

Privacy-conscious temperature data at your fingertips

See historical temperature data, get alerts when a scan shows elevated temperature, and check environmental factors for increased risk of illness spread.

Keep detailed records and receive alerts

The Wello portal provides companies the ability to tie personal employee pin numbers to their temperature and symptom screening history. Employees can take a symptom questionnaire prior to arriving, then upon passing receive a mobile QR-Code that ties to their pin number, which must be scanned on the welloStationX prior to the temperature screening. Company admins can then instantly see historical data about who scanned and when, and what the associated temperature was. Alerts can also be set up so the proper people are notified of failed scans.

The best preventative measure for keeping outbreaks at bay

Fever is the best leading indicator of infection. With one in 500 employees scanning at elevated temperatures, Wello helps guard against potential illness at your facility with our hands-free temperature check.

Contact Wello to learn more about temperature screening at your facility

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