
This Job Will Make You Sick

By Karen Garrett de Luna/Shahar Azran Photography LLC [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

By Karen Garrett de Luna/Shahar Azran Photography LLC [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

Ever thought about the people you come in contact with on a daily basis in various service industries that have a direct impact on your health and wellness?  Of all those providing needed services to us, food service workers pose the greatest risk to our wellness.  Food service workers can make you sick.  Consider how close you are to the chef, the sous chef, the dishwasher or salad chef who you will never see.

The problems may not be intentional and may be spread through asymptomatic (no symptoms) or the sub-acute (the walking sick).  The most famous food service worker was Typhoid Mary.  She was a carrier of the pathogens that cause typhoid fever.  Through the course of her career as a cook, she infected over fifty people with salmonella typhi.  In this case, it was learned that proper hygiene limited exposure and risk.

Food service workers handle our food, pots, pans, dishes and utensils.  The breath, sweat and tears of everyone from the executive chef to the dish washer is exposed to the food we ingest.  The sick food service worker’s body is filled with contagion which spreads to the ready to eat food we purchase or are served.

Our mouth serves a dual role to provide for both consumption of nutrition and for respiration.  Most communicable diseases are casually spread and enter our body through either our digestive or respiratory systems.   When the food worker gets close to your food, they are getting close to you.  None us want someone sick preparing our meals and touching the food and utensils we put in our mouth.

The most accurate measure of sick is body temperature.  Fever is your body sensing an epidemic invasion.  The more invasion, the higher the fever and the more contagion you excrete ultimately increasing the spread risk to others.   Stopping the spread of the disease is the only way to beat it.

Rigorous practice of scanning all employees showing up for work for fever in the food service industry will keep us all healthy.  With the latest Wello technology, a highly accurate temperature screen only takes a few seconds.

And then food service will be food safe.

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