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    ​About Wello AI & Disease Spread

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The Top Five

What is the New Wello Protocol (NWP)?

The New Wello Protocol (NWP) is a scientific-based decision-support process for detecting potentially contagious employees and determining ideal actions to minimize infectious spread at work, thus reducing the consequences of presenteeism and absenteeism.

What are presenteeism and absenteeism?
Presenteeism is when someone goes to work sick and likely spreads germs to co-workers or other people in the facility. 

Absenteeism is when your employees miss work. We’re talking specifically about absenteeism due to illness, often because of presenteeism. 
If lockdowns are over, why do all my employees need to mask?
They don’t all need masks. But, your infectious employees do if you want to reduce the personnel and operational costs of workplace illness. 

You’ve seen flight attendants, restaurant servers, grocery store cashiers, and delivery drivers wearing masks even though lockdowns are over. 

Why? If they have a cold, flu, strep, or some other common contagious illness they’re masked so they don’t spread those germs around the workplace. Or on your food. 
How do I get more Wello AI information or schedule a demo?

Just ask!  We’re always ready to help leaders protect their employees and business operations. 

I want the New Wello Protocol from Wello AI—how do I get it?
Smart decision. Thank you for trusting Wello AI and our team with your team and business operations . 

If you want to talk about subscribing vs. purchasing welloStationX™ equipment, email or Contact Us

We’ll be in touch on the next business day. 

If you need to talk sooner, give us your phone number, the best time to call you. Pro tip: we’re on Central time so if you’re not, please clarify.

Products & Services

What is the New Wello Protocol (NWP) from Wello AI?

​The New Wello Protocol (NWP) uses WelloStationX kiosks or desktop units running the AI-driven software to detect potentially contagious employees and recommend a targeted response to reduce illness spread. 

Why is the NWP more effective than other screening methods?
NWP is more effective because it tracks individual temperature baselines over time, increasing the ability to detect anomalies for that individual using AI.  Assessing potential contagious illnesses based on each person’s body temperature norms produces fewer false negatives than using generalized fever thresholds.

The NWP is faster than manual temperature checks, which means your employees are on the job sooner. 
How does welloStationX™ (a.k.a. "WSX") detect likely contagious employees?

Employees scan their RFID badge, a QR code, or enter a PIN to engage the WSX, which is a clinical electronic thermometer. The software offers audio and visual prompts as necessary to correctly position users in front of the kiosk or desktop unit for a non-contact temperature scan while the employee looks at the screen . 

How does NWP use AI?
The AI-driven software processes the temperature data tied to each PIN, RFID, or QR code, and compares it against established baselines to identify Above Normal Temperature Events (ANTEs) that indicate likely illness. 

The AI alerts approved administrators when an employee is outside of their ANTE and triggers a targeted response to mitigate infection risk.
What is an ANTE?

ANTE stands for “Above Normal Temperature Events” and means an individual's current temperature differs significantly from their established baseline. 

What happens when Wello AI identifies ANTE?
When an individual's temperature significantly deviates from their baseline, they’re considered an “outlier” in scientific terms. 

If the welloStationX™ is online, the AI software alerts administrators to the Above Normal Temperature Event (ANTE) via email. If the kiosk or desktop unit is offline, the administrator is able to pull the ANTE history for up to 7 days from the device via the WelloWatch™ mobile application. 

In both cases, a notification is displayed on the screen for the end user to take proper action.
How accurate is the temperature measurement with the welloStationX™?

Extremely. The welloStationXTM utilizes advanced non-contact infrared technology to measure temperature with a precision of ±0.2°C (±0.4°F). 

The welloStationX™ is an FDA-Cleared, Class II medical device with FLL product designation (electronic clinical thermometer). 

Presenteeism & Absenteeism

How does the NWP from Wello AI reduce absenteeism?
By alerting administrators to likely contagious employees before they enter the workplace, decision-makers can implement company policy (e.g., masking and increased hand washing) before the infectious employee spreads germs to coworkers.

Without NWP, the sick employee spreads germs throughout the workplace, increasing the likelihood more people will be absent due to illness the following days.

Employee Privacy

How does the NWP protect user privacy?

The NWP offers various levels of data privacy, allowing organizations to choose between offline operation, anonymized online data, or identifiable information online, depending on organizational requirements.

Does the welloStationX™ identify people using biometrics?
No. “You’re just a number to us, and that’s a great thing!”

Wello AI does not use biometrics to identify anyone using the welloStationX™ or Wello Cloud as that is performed via the PIN, RFID, or QR code. All data saved on the station is then encrypted and only accessible either via the Wello Cloud or WelloWatch™ mobile application.


Does the NWP work in my industry?
Yes. If you have employees, then NWP can protect them from potential disease spread in the workplace. 

Any industry where people interact with other people needs the New Wello Protocol from Wello AI to minimize the risk of illness outbreaks, reduce absenteeism, and protect business operations.
What does NWP do for healthcare leaders?
CEOs and infection control officers (ICOs) responsible for hospitals, surgical centers, acute care facilities, and other healthcare trust NWP to help them: 

  • Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI)
  • Take care of their caretakers
  • Maintain essential staffing levels 
  • Minimize unexpected staff absences that jeopardize patient care 
How does NWP help manufacturing & distribution decision-makers?
Operations, Human Resources, and Warehouse VPs chose the NWP to:

  • Protect workers’ safety
  • Maintain production levels to meet customer deadlines
  • Decrease costs of unplanned sick leave and downtime
  • Prevent workplace injuries due to illness-related distractions
Does the NWP work in education?
Yes. Principals, nurses, and superintendents rely on to: 

  • Prioritize teacher and staff 
  • Minimize illness-related student absences
  • Block food contamination by infectious cafeteria workers 
  • Shrink substitute teacher costs and disruptions due to illness
How can facilities managers use the NWP?
Facility managers can use the NWP to protect staff, visitors, residents, and occupants in any building because:

  • Infectious spread happens in any work environment
  • Protecting individual’s health safeguards workers’ families 
  • Maintaining service and productivity builds customer loyalty
  • Absent employees increase co-workers’ and managers’ workload 
Will the NWP benefit senior living organizations?
Absolutely. Implementing the NWP from to detect potentially infectious employees before symptoms start proves you’re commitment to:

  • Protecting staff, residents, and guests’ safety from disease spread
  • Maintaining staffing levels and standards of care
  • Minimizing anxiety of disruptions and unfamiliar caregivers
  • Controlling overtime and replacement labor cost
Is NWP important for the travel & hospitality industries?
NWP is vital in the travel and hospitality industries because of the potential for exponential disease if leaders fail to:

  • Prioritize employee health
  • Identify potentially contagious food workers
  • Maintain critical staffing levels in high-risk roles 
  • Deliver trusted and secure passenger and guest experiences

Wello, Inc. & Wello AI

What’s the difference between Wello, Inc. and Wello AI?

Great question! Wello, Inc. is our company name and website ( Wello AI is our advanced approach to proactively safeguarding employees and business operations from disease spread at work with the New Wello Protocol (NWP) and our proprietary artificial intelligence software.

Where is Wello, Inc. based?
Wello, Inc. is based in Addison, TX (in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metropolitan area).
Where are welloStationX™ kiosks and desktops manufactured?
Every welloStationX™ device is proudly designed and manufactured in Addison, TX (in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metropolitan area). 
Are the welloStationX™ kiosks and desktops FDA-cleared?
What’s Wello, Inc.’s mission?

Since 2014, Wello has been on a mission to end the spread of contagious illness and set a new standard in employee health and safety.


How can I calculate the ROI of Wello AI?
Enter the indicated data into the Wello AI ROI calculator and click “Calculate.”
What’s the delivery time frame?
The delivery time frame depends on the shipping speed chosen by you along with the stock levels of the welloStationX™. We usually ship within 2 business days if the product is in stock. 

Please contact us for the best estimate.
Will you install my welloStationX™ kiosks and/or desktop units?
The welloStationX™ is easy to install and we do not normally provide onsite assistance in setting up the station. Subject to availability, we can provide onsite training for an extra fee (including travel expenses) from a dedicated Wello employee on enterprise-wide purchases. 
What are the purchase or subscription options for the New Wello Protocol and welloStationX™?

We have multiple options depending on your organization's needs for purchasing and subscribing to our products and services.

Please contact us for a detailed breakdown of your options.

How much does the New Wello Protocol from Wello AI cost?
Costs for NWP from Wello AI range between $200/month per station to $800/month per station depending on your purchase and subscription decisions. 

Please contact us for a more detailed breakdown.

Infectious Disease & Body Temperature

What are the most common infectious diseases spread in workplaces?

Influenza, common cold, norovirus, COVID-19, and strep throat are among the most common.

How is influenza spread in the workplace?
Influenza spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
What is norovirus, and how does it spread at work?
Norovirus is a highly contagious virus causing gastroenteritis, spreading through contaminated food, surfaces, or direct contact.
Does poor hygiene contribute to the spread of infections at work?

Yes. Lax or non-existent hand hygiene and not covering one’s face when they cough or sneeze spreads germs.

Why is monitoring employees’ body temperature important in the workplace?

Changes in one’s normal body temperature are a proven indicator of potentially infectious illness. Detecting temperature changes before symptoms appear reduces the chance of potential outbreaks and increased absenteeism due to illness. 

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the negative impacts of disease spread and workplace illness.

Smarter temperature scans, better decision support, and less workplace absenteeism starts now.