Contagious employees introduce two workplace hazards: increasing absenteeism and contributing to their own or others’ physical injuries due to inattentiveness or low energy.
If you don’t know who’s working sick, then you don’t know who is spreading germs, lowering productivity, or introducing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.
This article defines the problem and explains how you can substantially lower these risks with Wello AI’s New Wellness Protocol (NPW) and welloStationXTM.
So, for efficiency’s sake, let’s start with the solution.
Wello AI: New Wellness Protocol + welloStationXTM
Wello AI: New Wellness Protocol + welloStationXTM
Contagious employees introduce two workplace hazards: increasing absenteeism and contributing to their own or others’ physical injuries due to inattentiveness or low energy.
If you don’t know who’s working sick, then you don’t know who is spreading germs, lowering productivity, or introducing the risk of severe injuries or fatalities.
This article defines the problem and explains how you can substantially lower these risks with Wello AI’s New Wellness Protocol (NPW) and welloStationXTM.
So, for efficiency’s sake, let’s start with the solution.
Wello AI: New Wellness Protocol + welloStationXTM
Wello’s New Wello Protocol (NWP) is AI-driven temperature monitoring software running on unobtrusive hardware positioned at employee and guest entrances.
The NWP delivers granular insights to minimize downtime and absenteeism by detecting potential illnesses early while maintaining strict privacy standards.
The software in Plain English
Our AI software detects and non-disruptively isolates potentially contagious individuals, significantly reducing infectious spread in the workplace. The AI alerts when an employee’s temperature is above their typical baseline, a.k.a. an Above Normal Temperature Event (ANTE).
The Wello AI NWP catches more of these outliers than merely screening for elevated fevers. A worker could be under the CDC’s 100.4° definition of fever and still sick based on their normative body temperature. Our PCR-validated study shows that ANTEs occur at a rate of 1-3 per 100 employees per hour.
So, by identifying likely contagious people with temperatures higher than their normal body temperature, even if that reading is below 100.4, you can apply a pre-set company policy to require a mask or perhaps prevent the likely contagious employee from entering the workplace.
The Hardware
WelloStationXTM is the only automated, FDA-cleared, touchless clinical temperature screening station on the market. The upgraded 2024 free-standing kiosks and desk units run the NPW AI to alert you to the risks of contagious illness in your facility without connecting to your network.
Ignoring Employee Buy-in is Expensive
We’re impressed with corporate executives and leaders who recognize why they need Wello AI to fight absenteeism and maintain productivity proactively. We also understand implementing without employee buy-in is risky.
When employees push back following the New Wellness Protocol, healthcare and temporary staffing costs can skyrocket. Divisions between workers supporting and those resisting the NWP can jeopardize collaboration and co-worker support.
Encourage buy-in with transparency and patience regarding staff concerns. Consider these six pivotal points to increase buy-in:
Getting Noticed Matters
Lead with the simple, core reason you’re implementing NWP: To prioritize employees’ well-being and foster a positive work environment. Simply put, you value your employees and want to protect their health.
Early Detection Saves Lives
Remind your team that some individuals are at greater risk from contagious diseases than others. Since no one knows who might have a dangerous reaction to the flu or another infectious disease, accepting the NWP is one way to protect co-workers.
Protect Your Patients or Customers
Absenteeism and downtime impact how hospitals care for patients and businesses meet customer expectations. Patients might choose other healthcare providers, or customers take their business to alternate vendors to avoid staffing shortages or delivery delays. Show employees how resisting NWP jeopardizes revenue—and arguably their jobs.
Privacy-Centric Identification
Assure employees that the WNP non-biometric identification methods protect their privacy while delivering accurate and reliable health screening. Demonstrate the encrypted data collection and anonymous alerts.
Proven Results in Healthcare
Earn employee confidence in NWP by sharing the Wello AI hospital study demonstrating NWP effectiveness in detecting contagious individuals with subtle temperature increases. Implement a soft launch with a generous ramp-up period for workers to acclimate to the welloStationX machines.
Why You Need to Know Who’s Sick on the Job
Identifying sick employees is one pillar of a broader safety plan. Along with preventing illness spread, you indirectly minimize the risk of common or fatal workplace injuries.
Sprains, tears, and strains top the list of workplace injuries, with 35 incidents per 10,000 full-time workers. Pain and soreness, often resulting from repetitive stress, occur at 18 per 10,000 full-time workers. Lacerations, punctures, and cuts follow, with nine incidents per 10,000 full-time workers.
Contusions and bruises also occur at a rate of 9 per 10,000 full-time workers, often due to falls or impacts. Fractures, though less common, are severe, with eight incidents per 10,000 full-time workers.
What’s the connection between your employees’ normal body temperatures and bruises?
Reduced responsiveness and inattentiveness are dangerous conditions at work. Slips, falls, and trips are already common workplace injuries---27 per 10,000 occurrences in full-time workers. Fever, flu, or other illnesses zap your energy and distract focus.
Contact with equipment or objects—like needles or assembly line machinery—results in 24 incidents per 10,000 full-time workers. This is another reason to know who might have a fever and potentially perform at less than full capacity.
Infectious diseases can spread rapidly in close working environments and cause significant disruptions at work. Early detection through Wello AI can prevent workplace outbreaks, protect employees and maintain productivity. Infections, making early isolation critical.
If you’re managing disease spread in the workplace based on symptoms, it’s too late. People are contagious whether or not they appear ill. Don't let one sick employee infect ten more. Minimize disease spread with the New Wello Protocol from Wello AI.
Reduce Expensive Workplace Illness