AI-driven Viral Infection Control with Wello AI

26.08.24 12:37 PM By Jonathan Shnitzer

Wello AI's advanced screening technology is not limited to detecting COVID-19. Thanks to its sophisticated temperature measurement and diagnostic tools, it has the potential to identify a range of viral infections.

Detection of Influenza

AI-driven temperature screening

Wello AI detects influenza by accurately measuring body temperature and identifying patterns associated with flu infections. Wello AI can help prevent the spread of influenza in workplaces, schools, and high-risk senior care facilities.

Potential for Detecting Other Viral Infections

Wello AI's technology, based on non-contact temperature scanning and potentially other diagnostic tools, can be adapted to detect other viral infections that exhibit fever as a primary symptom. Here are some examples

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

RSV is a common respiratory virus that causes mild, cold-like symptoms but can be severe for infants and older adults. Wello AI's temperature scans can help in early detection, enabling timely intervention and reducing transmission.


Norovirus, often causing gastroenteritis, can lead to significant outbreaks, particularly in closed environments like cruise ships and care homes. Elevated body temperature is a common symptom, making it detectable through Wello AI's technology.

Strep Throat

Strep throat, caused by Group A Streptococcus bacteria, presents with high fever and throat pain. Wello AI's precise temperature measurements can aid in early detection, allowing for timely treatment and preventing the spread in communal settings.

Staph Infections

Staph infections, caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, can lead to a range of illnesses, from minor skin infections to severe infections. Fever is a common symptom, and Wello AI's technology can help identify these infections early, ensuring prompt medical intervention and reducing transmission risks.

Practical Implications for Infection Control

Incorporating Wello AI's technology into infection control protocols offers several advantages:

  • Early Detection: Identifying a range of infections early, preventing outbreaks.

  • Versatility: Adaptable to various environments, from offices to high-risk senior care facilities.

  • Scalability: Easily scalable to handle large populations, ensuring widespread protection.

Wello AI's advanced screening technology is versatile and adaptable, making it capable of detecting not only SARS-CoV-2 but also other highly contagious illnesses like influenza, RSV, norovirus, strep throat, and staph infections. 

If you’re managing disease spread in the workplace based on symptoms, it’s too late. People are contagious whether or not they appear ill. Don't let one sick employee infect ten more. Minimize disease spread with the New Wello Protocol from Wello AI.